Overarching Curriculum Intent Statement 2024-25

‘You can see from their smiles as they are welcomed by staff that pupils enjoy school. Parents, understandably, are happy with the school. The staff are ambitious for pupils to succeed and broaden their knowledge of the wider world. Pupils study many interesting topics.’ OFSTED Jan 2020

Curriculum Drivers

At Picknalls First School our whole curriculum is driven by a commitment to fostering creativity, critical thinking, and a love for lifelong learning. We aim to provide a well-rounded education that nurtures each child’s unique talents and prepares them for future challenges. We will teach children at Picknalls to have or be:

At Picknalls First School we want all children to be skillful, turning new and imaginative ideas into reality through self-expression and a curiosity for learning.  Children are encouraged to think creatively in all that they do and explore new ways of solving problems and answering questions.

At Picknalls First School we want all children to value and respect all members of the community.  Children at Picknalls will be taught the skills for life to empower them to be good citizens and to contribute to the community.

At Picknalls First School we want all children to aspire towards greatness.  To be productive, aim high and succeed.  Expanding their knowledge of the world by nurturing their interests as well as encouraging fearlessness of things that are new or unknown by creating exciting, inspiring opportunities.

At Picknalls First School we want all children to have the mental and physical resilience to be successful and happy and be confident in tackling all obstacles that come their way.

Through these curriculum drivers we will encourage ALL children at Picknalls to become the stars of the future and shine bright in our community!

We believe Picknalls First School should be a wonderful place where children want to be and learning takes place both in and out of the classroom. Learning should be through a mixture of exploration, discovery, creativity and a variety of sensory and kinaesthetic experiences which encourage learners to want to explore more in a journey of lifelong learning. They will learn the English and Maths skills needed for life and learning to progress in their education.

Whatever their background they will learn to shape their futures and develop their unique capacities and skills. They will be encouraged to be curious and use thinking skills to innovate, be creative and problem solve. They will develop the first understandings of employment and entrepreneurship. A primary education should set learners up for life, with the knowledge and skills to be well-rounded individuals, mentally and physically healthy, with an appreciation for and a generosity towards people, the world and the universe around them.

Picknalls First School is very proud of the journey it has been on over the last few years in relation to its curriculum development. We feel our inclusive curriculum offers a broad, balanced and ambitious approach which allows all children, no matter their ability, to be able to fully access the curriculum and enrichment opportunities.

Our experienced teachers deliver quality first teaching alongside the highly skilled support staff. All staff collaborate to ensure all children are on track to meet and exceed personal attainment and progress targets through our ever-evolving curriculum.

As we are a First School we have the privilege of starting each child’s journey and therefore focus on ensuring the basic skills of each subject are secure. The basic skills are reinforced across the whole of our curriculum We then build on these steps to ensure that each child is prepared for their next stage of education and in shaping their future ambitions.

When redesigning our curriculum, we worked very closely with the First, Middle and High School partners within our Multi Academy Trust. Our primary aim when forming the i2e in 2017, was to become a locally geographic all through 3-18 schools’ network, with one of our key strengths being the strong transition and curriculum development.

‘Our vision is of a seamless educational journey for the children and young people from pre-school through to sixth-form and beyond. All of our children and young people will be equally and highly valued, no matter which school they are in: no child will be left behind and no school will be left behind. Everyone will be an achiever and every child will be well known within his/her school.’ ULT Visions, Values and Strategy Document, July 2019.


We use a variety of techniques in order to deliver a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum which is based on the National Curriculum, that ALL children at Picknalls First School can enjoy and succeed in.
The structure of the school day consists of the mornings being primarily focused sessions including English lessons, Maths lessons, Phonics sessions, Guided Reading activities etc. We deliver each subject as an individual subject. This allows for the children to fully immerse themselves into understanding each unique subjects’ substantive concepts. Subject leaders have shaped each year groups curriculum to be progressive and not only build on previous learning at Picknalls but into their next stages of the Multi Academy Trust.
Although subjects have a named person responsible for the oversight and development of their individual subject, each middle leader works in a subject team to ensure support for similar subjects and to create wider curriculum approaches and thinking. Regular subject team staff meetings allow for each team to design an action plan, implement the actions and monitor the impact across the whole school. Regular staff meetings, and a dedicated Subject Leaders meeting, also allow for Subject Leaders to share updates quickly and effectively across the whole school.
We include parents wherever possible in the child’s learning in order for them to support the learning beyond the classroom and outside of the school. Parents receive a half termly ‘parent information sheet’ which can also be located on the website. This outlines the learning that will be covered so that parents can further support them at home. Each subject has it’s own long term plan which sets out the learning for each year group. The plans can be viewed on our Subject Long Term Plans page as separate subjects or grouped together by year group.


‘Pupils’ personal development is a strength. Pupils have great opportunities to become school councillors. They are very clear about British values of democracy and respect for people whatever their colour, beliefs or background. Pupils make a huge contribution to their school and community. They can become well-being champions; ICT buddies to help younger pupils; school councillors; eco warriors and more.’ OFSTED Jan 2020.

Each subject will have its own substantive concepts which can be found on each individual curriculum intent document. These aspects will be revisited no matter what year group the child is in and form the basis of each subject.
In order to have a visual reminder of the key aspects of our curriculum each classroom will have a learning journey tree. These will contain:

Leaves of Learning

These will be the substantive concepts from each individual subject. These are the building blocks of knowledge and understanding, and they help the children make connections between different areas of learning. In our well-sequenced curriculum, substantive concepts are introduced in a logical and coherent way and build on prior knowledge and understanding.


These will show the 3 questions that allow us to recap and revisit work completed in order to move aspects from the short term to the long-term memory. They will form the basis of our daily retrieval practice.


These will show our four key curriculum drivers – the aspects we will teach children at Picknalls to have or be based around the ‘STAR’ acronym.

How do we celebrate children’s learning at Picknalls?

  • Rewards
  • Positive role models
  • Work on display
  • Red merit certificates
  • Parent assemblies
  • Internal and external competitions
  • School trips and visits
  • School visitors
  • Bronze, silver and gold merit awards
  • End of year celebrations
  • Social media
  • Parents reports/parents’ evenings

‘We are single-minded about ensuring that all of our children and young people, individually and collectively, achieve their potential – and even surpass what they expect of themselves.’ ULT Visions, Values and Strategy Document, July 2019.

Cultural Capital at Picknalls First School

Cultural capital refers to the accumulation of knowledge, behaviours, and skills that a child can draw upon to gain a sense of cultural awareness, competence, and confidence. In our primary curriculum, we prioritise enriching pupils’ cultural capital by exposing them to a wide variety of experiences and perspectives. This includes engaging with diverse texts, exploring different cultures and histories, participating in the arts, and fostering critical thinking about societal issues. By doing so, we aim to equip our children with the cultural literacy necessary to navigate and contribute positively to an increasingly globalised world, while also celebrating and understanding the richness of their own cultural heritage.

‘At the heart of leaders’ ambitions are pupils and their families. Pupils thrive and the school’s aims, ‘achieve, believe and care’, are at the centre of everything this school is about. Pupils behave exceptionally well, work hard and achieve well.’ OFSTED Jan 2020.

Written by the Headteacher, Mrs Tapp.