Picknalls First School - Long Term Curriculum Plan - 2023-24


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4


Term 1

'Amazing Animals'

'Claws, Paws and Jaws'


'The Isle of Struay'
A geographical focus comparing a Scottish Island to Uttoxeter

‘Stone Age’
How people lived in the Stone Age


A historical focus studying the history of the Vikings

Science-Living things and their habitats


Term 2

'What's on the Menu?'


'Incredible Inventions'
Toys, past and present

'Animal Magic

A literacy based focus using the texts Mr Percy’s Magical Greenhouse and The Tiger Who Came to Tea

Learning about rainforests

‘To Europe and Beyond’
Map studies, UK, France

'Life in a Cold Climate'

A study of the Arctic and Antarctica

Science states of matter


Term 1

'Into the Dark'
Space and planets

'Castles, Knights and Dragons'
Place, knowledge, geographical skills

‘Famous People From the Past'
Factual writing in English about Queen Elizabeth I, Samuel Pepys & the Fire of London, Florence Nightingale
History focus, Science: Healthy Living

‘Gums to Bums’
Keeping healthy, teeth and digestion
General map work—finding our way around

‘The Victorians’

A historical focus looking at what life was like for a Victorian child

An exploration of how British life changed during the reign of Queen Victoria

Science- skeletons , muscles, digestion


Term 2

'Ticket Around the World'
Geography - 7 continents

'On Safari'

Human and physical

‘Taking Care of Our Planet’
Texts: Dear Greenpeace, The Snail and the Whale, Michael Recycle, 10 Ways to Take Care of Our Planet

‘The Groovy Greeks’
A historical examination of Ancient Greek civilisation

'The British Isles'
A geographical focus looking at features of the British Isles
Science - sound


Term 1

'Where My Wellies Take Me'


'All Things Bright and Beautiful'
Space and significant events

‘In the Forest’
Traditional and non-traditional texts– Little Red Riding Hood
Science: Food chains, lifecycles

‘Extreme Earth’

Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Mountains, Rocks and Fossils

A geographical focus looking at aspects of Canada- Science - electricity


Term 2

'Ticket to Ride'

Transport and travel

Significant individuals from the past

‘Travel and Adventure’
Texts:  The Snorgh and the Sailor, The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch series
Looking at a non-European country—Mexico

‘Relentless Romans’
A history based topic about what the Romans did when they invaded and settled in Britain

A study of how Uttoxeter has changed Inventions/People who have changed the world


We believe Picknalls First School should be a wonderful place where children want to be and learning takes place both in and out of the classroom.  Learning should be through a mixture of exploration, discovery, creativity and a variety of sensory and kinaesthetic experiences which encourage learners to want to explore more in a journey of lifelong learning. They will learn the English and Maths skills needed for life and learning to progress in their education.
Whatever their background they will learn to shape their futures and develop their unique capacities and skills.  They will be encouraged to be curious and use thinking skills to innovate, be creative and problem solve.  They will develop the first understandings of employment and entrepreneurship.  A primary education should set learners up for life, with the knowledge and skills to be well-rounded individuals, mentally and physically healthy, with an appreciation for and a generosity towards people, the world and the universe around them.