Art Club
Our final art club this half term. We practised paper sculpture techniques.

Class 3 Xylophones
Class 3 are loving their xylophone lesson!

Boccia Tournament
Massive well done to our Year 4 pupils at the Boccia Tournament last night. Some great bowling and singing on the way home!

Year 4 Sports Leaders
Sports Leaders training. Year 4 children enjoyed their day and can’t wait to put their learning into practice with our younger pupils!

Year 4 – DT- Coleslaw
Class 8 have been learning about seasonal foods in DT, today we made coleslaw using lots of chopping and grating skills. Thankfully, all of our fingers remained intact! 🤣

Year 4 – Steel Drums
Something new has arrived in Year 4. I wonder what it can be!

Did you guess? Table top steel pan drums!!! Year 4 will be learning to play these during their weekly music lesson this year. Can’t wait to hear their first tune!!

World Mental Health Day
Our school was filled with sunshine during our recent World Mental Health Day where everyone was invited to wear yellow!
Thank you for your donations, we raised an amazing of £323.01!
The proceeds will be used by the Wellbeing Champions to purchase resources to support wellbeing in school.

Harvest Festival
Thank you for your Harvest gifts. We were overwhelmed by your generosity. The food bank were amazed at the amount we had collected!

Year 3/4 Girls Football Champions
Wow! Our Year 3/4 Girls Football Teams were amazing tonight. Enthusiastic girls playing football with a wonderful attitude and spirit. East Staffs Champions!

Year 4 Boys Football
Some super skill and sportsmanship shown at the Y4 Boys Football. A promising start to busy year of sport at Picknalls.

Cross Country
Cross Country – 28th Sept. Picknalls took over 20 year 3 and 4 pupils to the first event of the year. ‘It was very nerve racking, but we were proud that we did it. We did brilliantly and our hearts were pounding at the end.’

Early Years Get messy!
We had fun in reception today playing with shaving foam. The children got to squish it between their fingers and then had to think of words to describe how it felt and smelt. They had “the best day ever” and thought of some amazing words too!!!

Class 3 in the Woodland
Class 3 are learning about habitats and micro habitats in science. So we crept around the woods to see what we could find. We saw birds, a squirrel, slugs, spiders and wood lice.
We are drawing pictures of the creatures in their micro habitats.

Reading Corners
Take a look at the fabulous new reading corners our creative staff have designed and added to their respective classrooms. They will definitely provide a quiet, welcoming area for our children to lose themselves in a book!

Class 3 – Mondrian Art
In class 3 we are learning about primary colours. We know that they are yellow, red and blue.
We looked at some art by Mondrian.

New Early Years Playground
If you have visited us since the beginning of term you have hopefully seen our fabulous, new Early Years Playground. If not, here are a few pics!