Being in school and having the best attendance possible underpins all the many benefits of school for your child, such as their learning, wellbeing and wider development.

‘Working together to improve school attendance’ DfE, 19th August 2024

Picknalls Whole School Attendance – Comparison

The table below shows the National Average attendance data for 2023-24, and Picknalls data for the same period and for the first half term of this academic year.



Present %

Authorised Absence %

Unauthorised Absence %

Persistent Absence %

National  Attendance 2023-2024





Picknalls Attendance 2023-2024





Picknalls Attendance 2024-2025

(1st half term)





Attendance Expectations

We have a staggered start and end times to help keep the arrival/departure process calm and safe for children. See below:

Start Times

Year Group

Start Time

Drop-Off Playground




Nursery Door



Top Gate

Year 1


Top Gate

Year 2


Top Gate

Year 3


Bottom Gate

Year 4


Bottom Gate

End Times

Year Group

End Time

Pick-Up Playground




Nursery Door



Reception Playground

Year 1


Back Playground

Year 2


Top Playground

Year 3


Bottom Playground

Year 4


Bottom Playground

All pupils attending Picknalls (except Nursery) are expected to achieve a minimum 96% attendance.

We regularly analyse attendance data to identify patterns of absence, both at the individual student level and across the whole school. This analysis will allow for early intervention and targeted support measures to be implemented for students with emerging attendance issues.

Reporting Absences

If a pupil is absent from school, we ask parents to:

  • Contact the school office by phone/email ([email protected]) for 9.00am on the first morning of absence and leave a message which includes the pupil’s name, class or form group and provide a reason for absence
  • Reply promptly to any request or enquiry concerning an absence

National Framework for Penalty Notices for School Absences

The new National Framework, published on 19th August 2024, introduced consistency in the use of Penalty Notices across England by setting a new national threshold at which they are considered. The framework increased the amount of the Penalty Notice and introduced a new national limit of 2 Penalty Notices within a 3-year rolling period to break cycles of repeat offending.
In line with the guidance, we will continue to offer appropriate support to families at risk of persistent absence from school where an underlying issue may be the cause of non-attendance.

However, Penalty Notices can be issued in cases where support is not appropriate (such as leave of absence in term time) or when support has not been engaged with.

Schools are obliged to inform the Local Authority, Staffordshire County Council, when a family has reached the threshold, who can issue a Penalty Notice to the parents/carers of statutory school age children, per parent, per child. For example: two children in a family absent from school for a leave of absence may result in each parent receiving a Penalty Notice for each child at the below rates.

  • First Offence – The first time a Penalty Notice is issued the amount will be: £80 per parent, per child paid within 21 days. This increases to £160 per parent, per child if paid after day 21, until day 28. Any non-payment of the Penalty Notice may be referred to the Magistrates Court.
  • Second Offence (within 3 years) – the second time a Penalty Notice is issued the amount will be £160 per parent, per child paid within 28 days. Any non-payment of the Penalty Notice may be referred to the Magistrates Court.
  • Third Offence and Any Further Offences (within 3 years) – the third time an offence is committed a Penalty Notice will not be issued, and the case may be presented straight to the Magistrates’ Court under s.444 of the Education Act (1996) or other legal interventions considered. The Magistrates’ Court can order fines up to £2500 per parent, per child.

Little Heroes

As a result of average attendance rates dropping by 2.3% across Staffordshire, the county council have launched their ‘Little Heroes’ campaign to support young children who may have problems attending school.

The campaign is split into two elements: 

Little Heroes

The fun, motivational and engaging side of the campaign to encourage school attendance and the message: 

On time

Creative materials will be displayed around schools and children will receive certificates and stickers to recognise their attendance efforts.

Helpful Heroes

The educational side to support children who are emotionally struggling to attend school due to anxiety.

For pupils that are struggling with their emotional health, they have created a Helpful Heroes workbook to understand children’s barriers to avoiding school and to help children manage their worries. 

Mrs Tapp introduced the children to the Little Heroes in a recent assembly and the campaign will continue to be supported by Picknalls.