Providing the best start to education
Inspired teaching, inspiring children
Caring about children’s well being
Keeping children at the heart of the community
Nurture tolerance and mutual respect
All children matter, every lesson counts
Learning without limitations
Look to the future with a sense of hope
Supporting children to be the best they can be!

School Development Plan 2023-24


Success Indicators

Leadership and Management

Senior leaders to complete a pre-performance management lesson observation of a subject of the teacher’s choice.

Senior leaders and individual staff to know strengths and areas for development. Areas for development to be addressed by Dec 23.

Senior leaders to support the development of the two new English leaders. To ensure aspects of the key focus of writing are being developed and impact on writing standards across the whole school.

For all staff to be confident in the new style planning, delivery and assessment expectations from the new writing lead.
For all staff to be confident in embedding the aspects required from the new reading leader for the delivery of phonics and reading.

Senior Leaders to support Middle Leaders in carrying out aspects of self-review such as learning walks, lesson observations, pupil learning conversations etc. and to evidence aspects completed on the whole school proforma. Middle leaders to focus on strengths and areas for development and to monitor the impact of actions given as a result of self-review.

Leaders at all levels to have greater knowledge and understanding of their specific areas of responsibility. Improved standards and data across the school. Achieving above national in all Nationally compared areas by July 24.  Staff to feel confident with carrying out increased monitoring and being monitored.

SLT to ensure the most effective use of any pupil premium funding to support all teaching and learning aspects alongside children’s wellbeing. Close monitoring of any vulnerable groups.

Successful outcomes and impact demonstrated through all self-review aspects. Review of interventions, analysis and outcomes. Successful closing of any identified gaps in learning. Pupil premium learning mentor’s assessments show the successful closing of the gaps. Children report the impact of their interventions on their confidence and outcomes.

SLT to redesign staff meetings to ensure staff receive half termly opportunities to share statutory and key curriculum updates and share and monitor the impact of subject expectations.

All staff to feel confident in having the latest statutory and subject updates. To impact on classroom practice in a timely and effective manner.

To have a real push on ‘back to basics’ with manners, behaviour expectations outside the classroom, lunch hall etiquette etc.

For children to feel the school is a calm, safe and exciting place to be on aspects that have declined since the impact of Covid.

Lunchtime supervisors to receive CPD in children’s behaviour management techniques.

LTS to understand a range of children’s needs and how to manage different behaviours.

To ensure the safe and effective implementation of all building aspects planned this year, including the electric CIF bid, whole school decoration, wall art installation, improved toilet facilities, upgrading of KS2 mobiles - windows, fire doors, internal doors, energy efficient heating and lighting, skirting, canopy, steps etc.

New and upgraded facilities and areas for children to both learn in and enjoy. School looking fresh and welcoming to all visitors and staff.


Develop, share, delegate and work though the Governor action plan as written at the Governor away day March 23.

Governors to work through action plan and report back as to progress and impact in in key areas.

Support and address and specific aspects that arise from the recent ULT external Governance and Trust review.

Governors to understand ULT strengths and areas for development and be proactive in implementing any specific areas.

To welcome, induct and support the two new Governors appointed July 23.

For Paul and Nicola to become confident in the school strengths and areas for development and to support the school in moving forward strategically.

To review the roles and responsibilities of our Governing Board considering the skills of the two new Governors.

All Governors to feel confident in their link responsibilities and to be a valued member of the Picknalls team.

To plan for a successful Governor away day which both trains, supports and develops our Governing board.

All Governors to feel value to the day and that they have developed in their knowledge and understanding of the school and confident in their contributions.

To further welcome Colin as our link Trustee and Kerry as our new CEO to the ULT.

For Colin and Kerry to feel welcome and get to know and understand how we provide strong all-round education and care for our children.

Paul to continue to chair the SRB ULT meetings on behalf of all ULT schools.

Chair voted in for another year. All stakeholders feeling represented and all required aspects discussed and understood.

To positively contribute to the success and development of the Uttoxeter Learning Trust.

To feedback all requested aspects in a timely manner and attend all ULT meetings as required. Successful performance management.


DDSL to update all staff with level one safeguarding slides on September INSET day and then carry out termly for any new staff. DSL/DDSL’s to update staff as and when required with additional safeguarding updates.

Staff to be confident in the school’s procedures and policies when keeping children safe. Staff to know who to report concerns to and what will happen with their concerns.

Ensure all five DSL and DDSL's are fully up to date and compliant with their level four training.

GC to attend level 4 CPD September 23. This will result in all 5 DSL/DDSLs being fully compliant for the academic year.

DDSL to attend training to develop effective safeguarding/MyConcern reporting to Governors

Mark (safeguarding Governor) to attend a termly safeguarding update with SH and AT and SH to produce a termly written report for Governors.

To complete all aspects of the statutory 175/157 annual safeguarding audit.

Action plan all in place and shared with staff.


Each curriculum leader to update their curriculum intent document for 2023 2024.

All documents on the website and useful for coverage and detail for all stakeholders.

Each curriculum leader to be part of a subject development team and support, monitor and develop subjects across the whole school. Middle leaders to carry out at least one self-review activity across the whole school.

Middle leaders to have full knowledge of their subjects in practice and offer areas for development to improve standards across the school. Staff across the school to feel fully supported by subject leaders.

Writing to be main whole school and ULT subject focus. All relevant staff to attend INSET on the skills progression of teaching writing, adapt planning to meet new writing lead expectations and take part in self-review activities on writing.

Staff to be confident in new writing planning style, the order of teaching skills and develop a portfolio of writing that evidences the impact of our new style of teaching. Children to be able to talk about writing positively and know what is expected of them. Writing data to improve across the school.

Subject training – core subject leaders to attend ULT termly training with ULT colleagues.
Foundation subject leaders to attend the second round of ULT three tier meetings with standing agenda items given by headteachers.

Core – leaders to guide subject teams and share updates in subject sharing staff meetings.
Foundation – establish new threshold concepts used and assessments. To network and share good practice across all our schools.

To build on the four sessions of first school moderation training by LA advisor last year, all teachers to attend end of year moderation twilight led by key staff across our five schools.

Teachers to attend their key stage session and develop cross year group, key stage, school and inter school confidence in moderation.

Develop, distribute and ensure understanding of a new whole school homework policy.

All stakeholders understand homework expectations for each year group and support school in additional learning.

Provide effective additional interventions for individuals and small groups across the school to address misconceptions in learning and close data gaps for disadvantaged children.

Disadvantaged data to close and above National data for all Nationally compared data captures.


Writing- To monitor effective planning, teaching and progression of writing across the school, with internal moderation tasks. To raise year group writing data outcomes.

Learning walks/observations to take place at the end of Autumn 2 and Spring 2 terms. These will focus on progression of writing specifically narrative and non-fiction report writing. Book scrutiny for the other text types across the school will take place in Summer 1. Whole school writing moderation to take place in Summer 2 to confirm judgements made.

Writing – To ensure correct coverage and progression for each text type from Reception to Year 4.

To make progression explicit and year group expectations explicit throughout the whole school. I will create documents to show what is expected for coverage of each unit/text type for every year group and begin to compile expected pieces from each year group that can be referred to every year.

Writing – To ensure all pupils are writing their letters and numbers correctly and with the correct start and end points.

All staff to be using Little Wandle (R and y1) or Nelson’s handwriting scheme (Y2,3,4) to teach letter formation and joining as per year group expectation. Letter formation display prompts to be used in all classrooms specifically showing letter start points.

Reading - To achieve above national in phonics screening check 2024.

6 weekly assessments to identify gaps in learning.
Daily catch-up for all those behind in phonics.
Daily phonics lessons following Little Wandle scheme.
3 weekly reads for all children.
Workshops to support parents.

Reading - To support children who do not have many opportunities to read at home with a reading club.

Carry out an investigation to who is reading at home by looking at the EBook access and reading record engagement.
HA to carry out a club, PP children will be able to access it for free.
These children will be monitored to see impact.

Reading - Embed the Little Wandle catchup interventions in every year group.

Use assessment tracker to identify who needs catchup.
Carry out catchup with teacher or TA.

More regular assessment for these children to monitor success.
HA to carry out observations of this.

Reading - To implement 3 reads a week from 9am-10am with 10 adults in EYFS and Year 1.

Everyone reading on Tues, Wed and Thurs mornings.
10 adults and backup adults to ensure this.
HA to observe when possible.
Class teacher to ensure they have read with every child once over each half term.

Reading - To ensure phonics is being delivered effectively and consistently across EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2.

HA to keep regular observations in place.
HA to still offer staff to come and observe her lessons.
Resources all prepped and ready to be used.


Set ambitious targets using FFT20 and previous years data for each pupil.

Use performance management to set Maths targets for each year group.
All staff to be aware of targets.
Early discussion of pupils who are off track.

Build evidence of Maths attainment and progress by checking and analysing internal and SATs data. Use data to target those needing interventions.

Half termly pupil progress meeting to discuss key aspects of progress.
Early identification of those not on track.
Plan for interventions.
Monitor progress and impact of interventions.

In class and out of class interventions for targeted students who are not making expected progress.

SB/CO Intervention with PP and SEND.
TA’s to deliver twice weekly Interventions.

Monitor learning outcomes in lessons to ensure a balance of arithmetic, fluency, reasoning and problem-solving.

Regular book scrutinies with GC and team in line with self-review plan.
Half Termly learning walks to examine consistency in curriculum and balance.

Develop subject team alongside assistant Maths Lead, agree key priorities and delegate the monitoring and feedback on impact across the school.

Within subject team staff are able to discuss issues practice, scheme, assessment and resources to give Maths lead an overview of maths within the school.

Revision materials for the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) made available to all pupils.

Achieve above County and National levels at MTC (Maths Timetable Check). Add designated Multiplication Tables sessions to the Timetable from Sept 2023.

Tracking of assessment data and regular progress discussion.

Use new WRM termly assessment which now has ‘Smartgrade’ to give data rich information. Regular feedback in SLT meetings from KS meetings/subject teams to discuss students and strategies. No longer using PUMA as of Sept 2023.

Well planned Maths curriculum delivered. Introduce new and improved EYFS White Rose Maths Scheme.

Purchase and use new version of WRM workbooks which follows updated scheme. Invest in EYFS scheme and the resources needed to facilitate this.

Feedback Policy to give more timely feedback and next lesson interventions.

Lessons re-planned to address misconceptions in the next lesson.
Pupil voice carried out to assess the impact on the learner.

Ensure a culture of mastery within the curriculum for all year groups by all teachers.

Embed NEW ‘Fluency Bee’ for all EYFS and KS1 teaching staff. Ensure 15-minute daily programme is being followed.

Continue to develop consistent use of Mastery in all year groups.

Continue to develop a balance between WRM workbooks and recording problem-solving, open-ended tasks and written methods in exercise books.

Online CPD from White Rose and NCTEM utilised through the year.

Carry out knowledge/ skills audit.
Book CPD for teachers and TAs according to need.

Early Years

To fully embed White Rose maths and the maths mastery approach. Consider the introduction of Fluency Bee to further support this if appropriate. To undertake Counting Collection maths research alongside University of Nottingham.

Aspire to achieve 85% in Maths               

Parent Workshops:
Autumn A - Phonics
Autumn B - Maths
Spring A - Writing

50% of parents attend.

Writing - To introduce and embed the use of drawing club to create an enthusiasm to write amongst our youngest children. Discrete handwriting element to be introduced as part of Little Wandle phonics sessions

Use of new Drawing Club books will evidence the success and progression across the cohort and across the year.

SAPLINGS – Introduce a two year plus monthly Forest/Book based activity session to develop early links with potential Sep 24 Nursery children and their families

Nursery 24 has high uptake from day 1. Numbers in Saplings increase session on session to a maximum of 30 children and 1 adult.


Continue to increase lettings i.e. the field and all other hireable rooms of the school.

Market the school effectively to insure maximum income input to help support the budget.

Ensure to maintain a balanced budget for 23/24 as this will be a tough year due to no increase in funding and inflationary cost rises across staffing and non-staffing.

Continuation of regular monitoring, making savings and cost adjustments where applicable.

Effective use of 23/24 sports premium.      

All SLT to monitor effective use of funding against impact. All funding used for pupil interventions, pupil premium lead, resources, music tuition, uniform, school trips.

Use of reserves for the school refurbishments identified in Key Stage 2.

Use reserves agreed by the Trustees for all work required. Obtain best value quotes for the work to commence in this academic/financial year.

Following all nursery places taken for the September 2023 nursery cohort, ensure maximum use of 30 funded hours if applicable or chargeable sessions

Ensure all staffing to cover the adult to pupil ratio. Monitor this regularly to ensure we are not under or over staffed.

Cost of SEND provision due to increase of SEND pupils across the school.

Continually monitor the funding and staffing support with the HT, SLT & SENDCo. Ensure provision is provided for funded pupils.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Ensure wellbeing continues to be implemented across the school for both pupils and staff.

Continue with pupil wellbeing champion meetings and termly staffing meetings. Look at updating the Wellbeing award when applicable.

Create an annual activity calendar for all staff.

Ensure all staff are aware of activity and mental health and wellbeing dates.


Annual review of all GDPR policies and procedures in school.

Update the data flow map and all GDPR documents in the Autumn term to ensure compliance.


Positive implementation of the EAPDR pathway, including two successful pre-pilots at carried out at Picknalls.

SENDCo to complete all pre-pilot meetings and paperwork and feedback to the Steering group fortnightly. To ensure funding is spent on the selected child to enable a thorough enhanced cycle of APDR is completed and reflected on. To help all outside agencies formulate and create a detailed EHCP and to ensure this is monitored.

To help support the creation of an ‘Inclusion Provision base’ (IPB) at Picknalls - develop ‘in reach’ and ‘outreach support’ using training, outside agency offer and shared skill sets across Uttoxeter.

Head Teacher and SENDCo to attend meetings with local schools to gather research on needs/ struggles.
Use this to inform the outline of the proposal and ensure a solid, achievable and sustainable model is offered. Meet with LA and SEND representatives to gain support and guidance on how this can be created and have the best outcome for the high need’s pupils of Uttoxeter.

To creatively utilise inclusion TA’s by adopting a ‘needs based’ approach. Ensuring provision is effective and inclusive and the offer of provision includes non- funded pupils.

TA’s to support children of similar ability and within small groups.
1:1 provision to be offered to only children who would not manage with shared provision.
Children across all key stages to be included in intervention groups
To roll out the ‘drop sessions’ which will happen during sensory breaks in the HUB.

To work collaboratively with two ULT schools on the Whole School SEND Review. To facilitate an initial meeting and to identify areas of focus and change.

SENDCo to liaise with two ULT schools and sort the initial meeting where a school review will be held. Headteacher and SLT to input in this and to identify areas of future focus.
Feedback to whole school will happen during and after this process to ensure staff are aware of the outcomes and expectations.