What is Relationship and Health Education?

You may be aware that in September 2020, the UK government made Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), and Health Education compulsory in all primary schools. These subjects cover topics such as relationships, families, personal hygiene, puberty, and staying safe. RHE aims to equip children with the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices and navigate relationships as they grow older. All schools must make parent’s aware of the content that is being taught, and materials used.

Here at Picknalls, Relationships and Health Education (RHE) focuses on age-appropriate topics that help them develop foundational understanding and skills related to relationships, health, and personal well-being. We use 1Decision as an interactive support tool to enhance lessons for every pupil.

Please see an example of one the types of resources avaible for parents to purchase and download.

Lessons include:

  • Understanding emotions: Children learn to recognise and express their own feelings and emotions, as well as understand the feelings of others. They will learn basic strategies for managing their emotions.
  • Friendship skills: Children learn about the qualities of good friendships, how to be a good friend, and how to resolve conflicts with peers in a positive way.
  • Healthy living: Basic concepts of personal hygiene, nutrition, and exercise will be introduced. Children will learn about the importance of washing hands, eating a balanced diet, and staying physically active.
  • Safety: Children learn about basic safety rules, such as road safety, fire safety, and staying safe online. They will also learn how to identify and respond to unsafe situations.
  • Respect and diversity: Children are introduced to the concept of respect for themselves and others, including people from different backgrounds, cultures, and identities. They learn about kindness, empathy, and treating others with fairness and dignity.
  • Family: Children learn about different types of families and the importance of family relationships. They will explore topics such as love, care, and support within families.

The content and delivery of RHE at Picknalls are tailored to the developmental level and understanding of young children, using age-appropriate language, activities, and resources. The emphasis is on building a strong foundation for later learning about relationships, health, and well-being when they reach Middle School.

Our long term plan below sets out the topics each year group will look at throughout the academic year.

Relationship and Health Education (RHE) Curriculum Plan - 2023-24


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4


Term 1

Starting School

'Keeping and Staying Safe'

Road Safety Leaning our of windows

Friendships Touch

Dealing with Feelings and Emotions

‘Fundamental British Values’
Rule of law
Individual liberty
Tolerance and respect

'A World Without Judgement'
Breaking down barriers
Strengths and goals
Equality, diversion, cohesion and respect


Term 2


'Keeping and Staying Safe'
Healthy eating
Brushing teeth

'Feelings and Emotions'

‘Aiming High'
Thinking about our goals
Setting short term and lifetime goals
Steps to achieve

'Feelings and Emotions'


Term 1


Body language

'Keeping and Staying Healthy'
Washing hands


'Keeping and Staying Safe'

Cycle safety
Peer pressure
Water safety
Keeping/Staying safe documentary

'Computer Safety'
Online bullying


Term 2

'Taking Care of Me'
Wobbly Teeth

'Being Responsible'
Practice makes perfect
Helping someone in need

'Keeping and Staying Healthy'
Staying safe
Tying shoe laces

'Thinking Positively'
Activities to promote positive mental health in school and at home

'Being Responsible'
Coming home on time


Term 1

'Keeping Safe'
Road Safety

'Feelings and Emotions'

‘Our World'
Working in our world
Looking after our world

'Fire Safety'
Hoax calling
Petty arson
Enya and Deedee visit the Fire Station
Texting while driving

'Keeping and Staying Safe'
Cycle safety
Water safety


Term 2

'Keeping Safe'
Sun and water safety
Transition to Year 1

'Our World'
Growing in our world
Living in our world

‘Being Responsible'
Water spillage

‘Hazard Watch'
Is it safe to eat or drink?
Is it safe to play with?

'Growing and Changing'